Sunday, December 16, 2012

Getting Despised

The Reading:

Shoyoroku - Case 58: "Getting Despised" in the Diamond Sutra [1]

The Diamond Sutra says, "It is about getting despised by other people. If you are to come into hell because of your sins in your previous life, these sins will be extinguished because you are despised by the people of this world."

[1]: see case 97 of Hekiganroku.


As an often despised person I would like to add: Getting despised, but not on purpose.  Occasionally I will earn it, like anyone else.  I tickle the child and his mother.  I'm not an angel.

Mostly though I earn my despising by saying what I think, without rancor or abuse or insincerity.  Some people will say, "Why do they despise you for this?"  I never thought about it. It has always been this way.

If we ask even one question that goes to the heart of desire the whole illusion could shatter.  People are not fools.  They see such questions coming from far off.

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